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Firefighter - Wikipedia
Firefighters rescue persons from confinement or dangerous situations such as burning buildings and crashed vehicles. Complex, infrequent situations requiring specialized training and equipment include rescues from collapsed buildings and confined spaces.
More than 7,500 firefighting, emergency personnel deployed to fight ...
Neighbor helping neighbor: California has requested and received commitments for 75 engines from Oregon, 45 engines from Washington, 5 engines from New Mexico, 10 engines from Utah and 25 engines from Idaho, accounting for hundreds of additional firefighters through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact.
Firefighters - U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Explore resources for employment and wages by state and area for firefighters. Compare the job duties, education, job growth, and pay of firefighters with similar occupations. Learn more about firefighters by visiting additional resources, including O*NET, a source on key characteristics of workers and occupations.
What does a firefighter do? - CareerExplorer
The primary duties of firefighters include extinguishing fires, conducting search and rescue operations, providing emergency medical care, and educating the public about fire safety and prevention.
How to become a firefighter: 11 requirements for the job - FireRescue1
Complete the form on this page to download an infographic on how to become a firefighter. Here’s a quick breakdown of what you should (and should not) do as you prepare to join the fire service....
What does a Firefighter do? Career Overview, Roles, Jobs | IAFC
They respond to emergency calls, extinguish fires, and provide rescue and medical assistance. In addition to fighting fires, Firefighters also conduct fire inspections, educate the public about fire safety, and participate in training and drills to maintain their skills.
Firefighters - U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
33-2011 Firefighters. Control and extinguish fires or respond to emergency situations where life, property, or the environment is at risk. Duties may include fire prevention, emergency medical service, hazardous material response, search and rescue, and disaster assistance.
Firefighting - Wikipedia
Firefighting is a profession aimed at controlling and extinguishing fire. [1] . A person who engages in firefighting is known as a firefighter or fireman. [2] . Firefighters typically undergo a high degree of technical training. [2][3] This involves structural firefighting and wildland firefighting.
About Firefighter Safety and Health | Firefighters | CDC
Firefighters face many dangers that put them at risk for injury, illness, or fatality. Protecting firefighters' safety and health is a top priority for NIOSH. NIOSH has decades of experience conducting investigations and research on firefighter safety and health.
Home - IAFF
We are a union that is proud to fight for you, your family, and your community. We support politicians and policies – regardless of party affiliation – that protect and empower the work of fire fighters, emergency medical workers, and rescue workers in the United States and Canada.
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FIRE101 Jobs:
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Medical, Nurse Jobs:
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