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Modern House Fires: Effects of Research on Strategy and Tactics
In 1999, we saw fire burn two firefighters to death at a house fire on Cherry Road in Washington, D.C. 2 This fire signaled a new era of fire dynamics and firefighting in modern house fires. Fire ...
House Fire 101 - Structural Firefighting Basics - Firefighter Training
Surviving “Routine” Residential Fires Structural Collapse: The Hidden Dangers of Residential Fires Obtaining multiple resources quickly is certainly a challenge for many departments.
We often are dispatched to house fires of sinister origin. Molotov cocktails were thrown into two houses in Ramapo, New York. One went through the window and broke on the kitchen floor. The second ...
The Efficient and Effective Truck Company: House Fires
When comparing modern-day fires to legacy fires, we are “behind the eight ball” from the start. Today’s fires burn eight times faster than legacy fires and produce 200 times the amount of smoke.
Modern House Fires Warrant Tactical Agility - Firefighting
House fires in the United States also account for half the dollar loss of fires. According to the NFPA, house fires cost the United States $200 a second, for a total direct property loss of $8 ...
Hoarder Homes: Considerations for Fighting Fires in High Content ...
A hoarder house is taxing on even large departments with large amounts of personnel and resources. Err on the side of caution every time when battling fire in reduced air space structures. When in ...
Fighting Fires in Crawlspaces - Fire Engineering
In addition, I have encountered crawlspace fires in the community in which I work, 25 miles outside of Philadelphia. It is extremely common to have a balloon-frame home with numerous additions.
Modern Fire Dynamics and Legacy Construction: Lessons Learned
Jerry Knapp presents an “unorthodox†response to a house fire to illustrate the importance of understanding fire dynamics well enough so firefighters can efficiently and expediently ...
Street-Smart ICS for Structure Fires - Fire Engineering
In our system, a BC is placed at a 15:1 span-of-control ratio while responding to a house fire; this includes four engines, two trucks (that often split into two two-person crews), one medic unit ...
First-Due Engine Operations at Residential House Fires
Jeff Shupe and other members of Strategic Fire Training talk house fire operations for the first-due engine company.
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